
Learn about our programs that God is using to change El Salvador.

Mathew 25:35

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me”

El Salvador 500

In the poorest areas in the mountains many families live in houses built with inappropriate materials such as plastic, bamboo, mud or metal sheets, they have dirt floors and sleep on beds made out of rope and old pieces of wood usually made by themselves.

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Community Outreach​

During every visit we invite everyone in the community. Many times
they have to walk miles to get to the site. We worship in open areas
where everyone can feel comfortable and welcome ; it does not matter
what their religion is.

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Feeding Programs​​

God has given us the opportunity to minister to beautiful children every day through our feeding programs located in 5 communities that live in these conditions.

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One on One​​​

We drive and stop along the road, we give them  food and we witness to people on by one a lot of them open their heart to The Lord through the prayer of salvation!

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Christmas Boxes​​​​

This program has been on going for 4 years, it consists of  boxes that are donated and packed  by volunteers in the US,  with such care and love. 

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